HEIGHT up to 60 ft (18 m)
TYPE Evergreen
OCCURRENCE N. Asia, Mediterranean
The bay laurel is the true laurel of Greek and Roman mythology. Considered sacred to the god Apollo, it symbolized victory and merit. It was an honor to be crowned with a garland of fruiting laurel leaves, and even today, a baccalaureate (baca lauri, Latin for “laurel berry”) signifies achievement. The tree is now grown commercially for its aromatic leaves, which are used in cooking. BARK Shiny gray, smooth. LEAF Alternate, shiny dark green, leathery, 3–4 in (7.5–10 cm) long, with wavy margins, pointed tips, tapered base; red leaf stalks. FLOWER Males and females on separate trees, in clusters on leaf axils; small, yellow, with six petals, males with numerous stamens. FRUIT Black to purple, rounded, fleshy berry, up to 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) long, on female plants.