HEIGHT 33–80 ft (10–25 m)
TYPE Deciduous
OCCURRENCE Tropical Africa
The baobab, which can live for over 1,000 years, is a focus for myth: it is said that a devil uprooted the tree and replanted it upside down; spirits are linked with its night-opening flowers (the tree is pollinated by bats). The baobab has edible leaves, seeds, and pulp, and the inner bark is used to make rope. The massive trunk stores water, which can be tapped for drinking. BARK Grayish brown, tinged mauve, smooth. LEAF Alternate, digitate, with 5–7 elliptic-oblong to ovate leaflets that are hairy below when young. FLOWER Axillary, solitary, large, sweet-scented, with waxy and crinkled white to cream petals, numerous stamens. FRUIT Ovoid brown capsule, velvety hairy outside; black seeds.