Saxaul / Haloxylon persicum

Saxaul / Haloxylon persicum
HEIGHT up to 22 ft (7 m)
TYPE Evergreen
OCCURRENCE W. Asia (Russia to Iran to China)

Found in the desert, the saxaul has a large root system that helps to stabilize sand. Its heavy, durable wood is used in carpentry and is highly valued as fuel. BARK Gray-white. LEAF Triangular, scalelike, pressed to stem, with straw-colored cusp at tip. FLOWER Pale yellow, solitary, 5⁄32–7⁄32 in (4–7 mm) long; males and females on the same plant, in scalelike bracts on dwarf side spurs of previous year’s branches. FRUIT Round, winged nut, 1⁄8 in (2.5 mm) wide.